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Cleaning Up After Your Holiday Party

The festivities are planned and the guests arrive, but after everyone goes home and the plates are licked clean, it’s just you (and your family) and a mess. Here are tips for a faster and easier clean up.

For starters, take a breath. There is no pressure to clean up the moment everyone has walked out of the door. Take a seat, sip some cocoa, and savor all the memories you and your family have made! The dishes will be there when you get back.

First Things First

Now that you are ready to get started, here are some of the quickest fixes. Start in the dining room. Clear all of the plates, cups, and utensils from the table and take into the kitchen. Then gather up the tablecloth to shake any crumbs into the trash or outside the backdoor into the garden. Throw all linens into the washing machine. Add warm water and detergent and let them soak overnight. For leftovers, toss out anything that has been sitting out longer than two hours. If there is any food to keep, wrap or put into containers and place in the refrigerator. In the kitchen, load the dishwasher with the plates and utensils brought in. For pots and pans, fill them with soap and hot water and let them soak overnight.

Stubborn Stains

Some stains are more serious than others. To remove hard water, lipstick, or coffee stains wash the glasses in warm soapy water and add a half cup of white vinegar. You can also soak the glasses in vinegar overnight to help loosen the stains. To clean burnt pots, pans, and casserole dishes, use Pepsi or Coke. Pour in the soda and let it sit overnight and the stains will wipe off.

If any furniture was moved for the party, put it back in its place. Fold any blankets or throws and put back any pillows. If you notice water rings on any surfaces, simply take a little bit of non-gel toothpaste and buff with a clean cloth. Sweep and vacuum the floors. For floor scuffs, take a soft cloth and rub the area vigorously. If the scuff is still there, use a small amount of floor cleaner and rub with the same cloth.