One of the most stressful events in a person’s life is a move. No matter whether the reason for the move is positive or negative, it is going to be a big, emotional deal for you and take a toll on your physical and mental reserves. It is a good idea to practice self-care during a move, even if it’s a happy one, but it is crucial that you practice self-care if it is an unhappy move or you are burdened by additional stresses at the same time.
Moves and the home you live in are huge players in mental health, whether you’re staying in your current home or moving to another. Moving stress is normal, but suffering isn’t. Don’t accept it as normal and sweep it under the rug.
Here are some ways to make moving less stressful:
Allow time
The first step is to plan ahead, if you can. The more time you have to find a home, go through all the steps, and pack, the less stressful it will be.
Work in time to think and relax
You have to relax, eat, and take care of yourself. If you’ve gotten yourself in a mess and you’re running late or your move is a negative one with compounded stress, you may be tempted to ignore these details. But they aren’t just details. They are your fuel, and no matter your reason for moving, it is to take care of yourself, so don’t neglect that drive during your move.
Get support
Enlist friends and family to physically help or mentally be a support during your move, particularly if it’s an unpleasant one. If you can’t find these supportive people in your life now and you’re suffering, contact a therapist. Your feelings and your wellness are as important as, no, even more important than, why you’re moving.
Find a mover
A professional mover will ease some of your physical and mental stress. It is a wise investment to hire one to keep from being overwhelmed by moving.
Find your mover early so you don’t have to do it in a rush when you’re already swamped with packing and afraid you’re running out of time and so you can ensure they are available on the day or days you need them.
Select a mover with flexible plans so they work with you rather than you having to work around them. When you’re already stressed, you don’t want strict or inconvenient requests from your mover to be another consideration.
Work smarter not harder
Declutter and even organize while you pack. This sounds like an added chore, but it shouldn’t be. Decluttering can be made easy by having boxes for things to donate, recycle, and trash and putting things in them as you go. Takes virtually no extra time. Organizing doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just when you see items that go together, put them together. Look for any opportunities to combine tasks, safely, or to do something in a more efficient way.