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Reasons to Move to Abilene


If you’re looking to relocate, and the wide-open spaces of West Texas are on your mind, Abilene may be the new home of your dreams. Read on to find out what makes this city so special!

Abilene Is the Center of The Texas Midwest

Thanks to the past few decades of revitalization at places like The Grace Museum and Paramount Theatre and new construction along the freeway, Abilene has become a commercial, medical, retail, and transportation hotspot of the “Texas Midwest.” You’ve come to the right place, folks.

Awesome Architecture 

Seriously. Make your own tour around town with the numerous churches, the Enterprise Tower, and don’t skip the Moreland-Shaheen House—a replica of the golden age of Hollywood’s decadent mansions and inspired by a house owned by San Antonio native Joan Crawford.

People in Abilene Really Love Kids’ Books

The National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature was built right here for the sole purpose of celebrating exceptional original art published in kids’ books. The center hosts gallery shows, Family Fun art workshops on Saturday afternoons, and even art camps during the summer.

You Can Go Back to The Old West

Okay, this is more of a metaphorical time machine, but the “Frontier Texas!” interactive museum is about the closest you’ll get. Revisit the Old West with state-of-the-art technology and interactivity, and trust me, you’ll be talking in that cowboy drawl in no time.

Everyone in Abilene Loves A Good Classic

The Art Deco treasure of Abilene, the Paramount Theatre, was carefully redesigned with a ceiling full of clouds and shining stars, archways, monolithic columns, and even a twin domed turreted bell tower. And they don’t waste this beauty on Marvel movie sequels: The theater only shows classic films like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “Vertigo,” along with art films, plays and concerts.

Summer Turns Everyone Back into A Kid

It gets hot in Texas. But Abilene has you covered with the Nelson Splash Pad in Nelson Park. The 2,920 square foot aquatic wonderland has almost 30 different water features including water cannons and a giant bucket that dumps water all over you.

Antiquing Is Abilene’s Favorite Sport

Sure, Abilene has plenty of modern shopping downtown, but the old stuff is infinitely more interesting. A trip to Antique & Almost, Antique Station, Butternut Resale or any of the other antique shops in town is like a treasure hunt.

Abilene Brings the Art Outside

At the downtown Art Walk, all the creative chaos in Abilene gets put together into one monthly event. Local artists show off their work, performers get a chance to show off, and businesses get an extra boom as families flock to the historic downtown district to see it all.

Family Fun and Date Night All In One

Play Faire Park’s family fun center and miniature golf course is one of the very oldest and continuously operated mini-golf courses in the state of Texas. Between live concerts, birthday monthly tournaments, a haunted house on Halloween and the easy-on-the-legs walking distance to downtown, it’s not hard to figure out why this place is still going strong.

You’ll Have Your Own Background Music

The Abilene Philharmonic Orchestra has been one of the city’s oldest and most beloved musical groups since 1950. Sure,  it may be the only professional orchestra within 100 miles, but the 70+ member group from all over Texas certainly knows their stuff.

Abilene Has Had A Sweet Tooth for Over A Century

The Vletas candy empire has been operating out of Abilene for more than 100 years. Not surprisingly, considering they made one of the safest business bets ever way back in 1912: People will never stop eating chocolate covered anything.