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What are the Advantages of Using a Local Moving Crew as Opposed to a National Chain?

There are a variety of important factors that you have to take into account when you’re preparing for a move. In addition to gathering supplies and figuring out logistics, you’re also likely going to be looking into hiring a moving company.

Hiring movers is a great way to simplify the entire moving process. While it definitely ups the price tag, moving is back-breaking work, and there’s a lot to be said for the relief that comes with passing off the responsibility. Professional movers won’t just take the heavy lifting off your hands, they’ll also make the whole day run smoother and free up your time for other important moving day activities.

Should you go with a local moving crew though? Or is it better to go with the “big name” national chain moving company?

The costs to start and run a small business are much lower than the costs of buying a chain store or creating and running a corporation. In most cases, this means a local moving company can pass these lower costs on to you.
Small businesses can make decisions and implement changes faster than large chain businesses, better adapting to the local environment. Chain stores have more areas to consider when creating and changing policies, which makes them less able to adapt to a particular place’s needs. This means that a local moving company’s policies and practices are going to be optimized for your local market, and even neighborhood.
Local movers know your area. They live there too! The intricacies of routes, traffic, construction, and weather patterns on your moving day won’t surprise a local crew. They see your city all the time.
Customer Service
Finally, and most importantly, consider the customer service offered by different companies. Because local moving companies must protect their reputation, it may be much easier to resolve any confusion or disputes even though they operate on a smaller budget. Similarly, while seemingly offering constant customer service, because of their larger size, a national moving company may actually be much more difficult to contact and reach an agreement with.
When you’re ready to plan your next move, give Today Movers a call. We’re here to make your life easier!