Barbeque, burgers, and ribeye steaks…you dream of making these on your own patio, but which grill should you invest in? Walking into any home store can be overwhelming and you don’t want to come home with the wrong setup for your wants and needs. Here are tips for choosing the right grill.
First things first, decide what you really want a grill for. Is it only going to be utilized in the summer and for special events or as an appliance to be utilized all year long? Don’t buy more grill than you need. Also, decide on your budget. There are three price ranges for grills-basic, mid-priced and high-end.
The basic category is aptly named as these grills are best for beginners, those who don’t cook as much, and those who don’t want any “extras”. A basic grill’s costs are $100-$199. The mid-priced grill is for most outdoor cooks. They can come with additional features such as fuel gauges, stainless steel or coated cast-iron gates, and side burners. The price range for these is $200-$499. High-end grills are for big parties and for serious cooks. They are stainless steel and can accommodate cooking for 15 people or more. To purchase a higher end grill, get ready to spend anywhere between $500-$1500.
Gas or Charcoal
The next question-gas or charcoal? Depending on who you ask, there is not right or wrong answer. Gas grills are easier to cook with but you sacrifice the smoky taste you get with a charcoal grill. If you use a charcoal grill, do not soak the charcoal in lighter fluid. You don’t want your food to taste like butane. Gas grills are fast to heat and easy to clean and are less harmful on the environment. Charcoal grills emit more carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and soot into the atmosphere.
When out shopping, mess with the floor models. There are simple tests to see if the grill is safe and can withstand usage. Find out if the grill is sturdy by wiggling it. If it doesn’t “wiggle” it’s solid, if it does, you may not want to put it on your porch or patio. Count how many wheels it has and if it has plastic or wooden handles. They do not get as hot as metal ones. What is the drainage system like? See if it siphons off grease easily, preventing flare ups. When asking about warranties, do not settle for anything less than 10 years.