When you begin to pack up your belongings before moving to a new residence, you should probably keep in mind that packing is a process that deserves patience and foresight. Far too often, people procrastinate and leave the packing until the last minute, which can result in lost or damaged belongings. A little planning goes a long way. Here’s a comprehensive look at what to pack first when moving to a new place.
Prepare and Plan
Next, take a detailed inventory of the items you own. Use this opportunity to throw out non-essential items and save valuable space and effort. Divide your items into a category that you’ll be keeping, a category for things to be sold/donated, and a category of things that must be thrown out. Once you’ve got a good look at what you’re dealing with, you’re ready to tackle the issue of what to pack first when moving.
Start Early
Remember, you should have a calendar to dictate your schedule. If you’re not pre-packing, starting with minor items roughly four weeks ahead of your move, you could already be falling behind. Start packing non-essential things at this time, making sure to save the absolute daily necessities until late in the packing game. Here’s a better breakdown of what to pack, and when to pack it.
Three to Four Weeks To Go
Surplus items: Linens, towels, and office supplies that aren’t currently in use
Collectibles: Scrapbooks, figurines, miniatures, art, coin collections, etc.
Artwork and Decor: Framed pictures, souvenirs, heirlooms. Proceed with caution, as these are often fragile
Entertainment Items: Books, CDs, vinyl records, DVDs, video game discs and consoles
Special Kitchenware: Fine china and crystal, mostly, but also pie pans, barbecue tools, and any other kitchen items that do not see routine use.
Two Weeks To Go
Jewelry: Keep a few pieces on your person and secure the rest in a jewelry box
Linen Closet: Every resident should have a small set of sheets and towels still in use. The rest should be packed around this time.
One Week To Go
Kitchen Equipment: The rest of your kitchen should now be ready to go, including cutlery, dishes, and drinking glasses.
Laundry: Make sure you have enough clean clothes just to get where you’re going. it’s going to slow you down if you have bags of dirty laundry.
Medicines and Bathroom Supplies: Pack up everything that isn’t a daily or emergency prescription, and make a first aid kit that can be carried around.
1-2 Days To Go
Curtains, Rugs, Other Furnishings: The “miscellaneous” category
Toolbox: Make sure you have basic tools where you can reach them, as you’ll probably need them for assembly jobs at your new place
Moving Day
Remaining Toiletries and Medicines: Just to be prepared.
Items for Children and Pets (Including Snacks): It’s important that children feel like they’re getting back into a daily routine quickly after the upheaval of moving.
Cleaning Supplies: It’s entirely possible that you’ll have to clean up your place one last time before you leave.